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Our Take on Digital Infrastructure

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SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce on What to Expect from Atkins' Agenda for the SEC In 2025 and Beyond

Current (and likely future) SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce is a securities lawyer by trade and worked as counsel to (the potential) incoming Chair Paul Atkins, so she has particular insight into what the SEC might look like under Mr. Atkins' stewardship. In this enlightening interview, Ms. Peirce talks about how the SEC might make it more attractive to become a public company, how the commission can help smaller companies raise capital, and various regulatory restrictions (including SAB 121) that could be lifted to buoy the cryptocurrency industry, including the custodians and other digital infrastructure providers involved in that corner of the fintech world.



We will also look at how to right-size regulations for companies in the public markets, how to expand opportunities for investors to get access to a broader diversity of investments, and how to expand the reach of the capital markets. We can do this both by making sure that more investors enter, and that companies continue to look to the U.S. capital markets to raise money.