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Our Take on Digital Infrastructure

| 1 minute read

Battery Energy Storage Systems & Data Centers

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are becoming increasingly vital in the modernization of digital infrastructure, particularly for data centers. BESS are often used store energy generated from renewable sources like wind and solar, releasing it when needed to ensure a stable and reliable power supply. Digital infrastructure is comprised of the foundational systems and technologies that support the functioning and connectivity of digital services and applications. Digital infrastructure can include hardware, software, network connectivity systems, and services The below explores the interaction between BESS and data centers, a progressively growing class of digital infrastructure.

BESS and Data Centers 

Data centers, which are critical for the digital economy, face significant energy challenges due to their high-power consumption and need for reliable, uninterrupted power. BESS offer several advantages for data centers:

  1. Enhanced Backup Power: BESS provide additional backup power, ensuring data centers remain operational during grid outages.
  2. Energy Cost Management: By storing energy during off-peak hours and using it during peak times, BESS help data centers manage energy costs more effectively.
  3. Sustainability Goals: Integrating BESS with renewable energy sources helps data centers reduce their carbon footprint and meet sustainability targets.
  4. Grid Services Participation: Data centers can use BESS to participate in grid services, such as frequency regulation and demand response, generating additional revenue.


BESS are crucial for the future of digital infrastructure. They enhance grid stability, manage peak loads, provide backup power, and integrate with smart grids. With ongoing technological advancements and significant market growth, BESS will continue to play a pivotal role for data centers and other digital infrastructure, offering opportunities for investors.


"Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are emerging as a critical component of modern data center infrastructure. By providing service to your operation’s power grid, as well as secondary backup support, BESS can help improve energy reliability while reducing the reliance on fossil fuels."